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You don't need to be a master gardener; just come on down and we'll show you how.

No Skills? No Problem! 

Don't let a lack of knowledge keep you from coming out! We have volunteers who have spent 20 years in a garden, and those who have only spent 20 minutes. All are welcome! If you're just coming to volunteer with a friend or two (or by yourself), don't worry about contacting us first- just show up! Our work party hours are listed here. They tend to change seasonally, so check back with the turning of the weather. 

If you are coming with a bigger group, please contact us ahead of time, so we can prepare adequate projects for you and the other volunteers to work on. Click "How to Get Here" and shoot us an email- we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Current Work Party Hours

Mondays: 9am-noon

Thursdays: 9am-noon

Saturdays: TBA

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